Rev. Dr. James Commey is the founder and senior pastor of the International Harvest Christian Centre with its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has been in Christian ministry for more than four decades with the last 25 years as a pastor and general overseer.
Dr. Commey has a strong passion to see the church fulfill its greatest commission of preaching the gospel of Jesus to the nations by raising men and women to function with an apostolic and kingdom mindset.
He holds an MSc degree in Agronomy from the Royal University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Copenhagen, Denmark. He also holds a doctoral honorary degree in Ministerial Science DMSc from the Accelerated School of Christian Ministry International in the US.
Dr. James is the founder of the James Commey Ministries and Director of Harvest Leadership Academy. He is also a minister of Praise and Worship, leading worship at various international conferences while also raising and releasing many worship leaders.
His Healing and Revival Campaigns have taken him through various cities of Scandinavia bringing God’s message of healing and deliverance to many. Dr. Commey has preached the gospel at churches and conferences in many countries of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the USA.
He is an agricultural economist, development consultant, conference speaker, and motivational coach. Dr. Commey is also the founder and CEO of Heritage International – A faith-based non-governmental organization with the focus of raising resources and designing development projects for the most socially and economically deprived and marginalized rural communities in the developing world.
Rev. Dr. James Commey is married to Rev. Clara Commey, co-senior pastor of International Harvest Christian Center and founder of women of destiny. They are blessed with three children Joel, Christel & Carol.
Clara Carol Commey and her husband Rev. James Commey pastor the International Harvest Christian Centre in Copenhagen. They both come from Ghana and see themselves as missionaries to the Scandinavian people.
After three years of pastoring alongside her husband, Clara had a strong burden for women and how they can be released into their God-given destiny. In 1997, God led her to start a women’s ministry within the church.
God’s confirmation of His call on her to start the ministry was evidenced through the release of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of a strong prophetic ministry. In the past three years, God has been speaking to her to make the ministry an open ministry to bless the entire body of Christ.
It is in response to God’s call to extend the women’s ministry outside of the walls of her church that Clara started Women of Destiny a ministry that seeks to help women find and move towards their God-given destiny. We believe this ministry is the beginning of a great move of God to release women in this nation and other parts of the world into their God-given Destiny.